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Past Clients

2016 – 2018 | Global Innovation Design, Royal College of Art, Imperial College (London), Tsinghua University (Beijing), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). — M.A. & M.Sc. (Distinction) |
2010 – 2014 | B.A. Communication Design, Specializations: Identity Design, Typedesign University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany. |
2012 / 13 | Freemover (Communication + Lab), Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands. |
2009 / 10 | Dental Medicine, Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität, Munich. |
2020 – 2021 | Founder Fridays for Innovation |
2018 – 2020 | Co‐Founder, CTO Augmented Thinking / The Good Database Together with Alexander Davies, Jeffrey Pickett and Helen van Baal, our vision was to reinvent how designers and engineers contribute ideas to solving complex challenges like climage change online. |
2012 – 2015 | Co‐Founder Linetz Hosting & IT‑Services (Responsible for design, strategy and front-end development). |
Since 2010 | Running my own design studio for SMBs. |
now – ∞ | +Get in touch! |
Native | German, JavaScript, Svelte, HTML, SCSS |
Fluent | English, GraphQL, React |
Good | PHP, python |
Basic | French, Mandarin Chinese, Korean* |
2016 German Design Award | |
2014 D&AD Student Awards – Yellow Pencil Nomination |
- PsPhotoshop
- IdIndesign
- AiIllustrator
- WPWordpress
- FFigma
skill level
- C4DCinema 4D
- PrPremiere Pro
- AeAfter Effects
- DRDaVinci Resolve
- SSketch
- FSFontLab Studio
- gqlGraph QL
- AAutoCAD. Yes, I was just out of kindergarten.
- RFRealflow
- R3DRhinoceros
- 1996
- 2002
- 2008
- 2016Years used
Yejeong Mutter (Artist, Researcher on Creativity),
Helen van Baal (Education, Design Thinking),
Jeffrey Pickett (Design-Engineering),
Eric Gu (Creative Technologist),
Alexander Davies (Innovation & Urbanism),
Mikhail Wertheim Aymès (Innovation Strategy),
Korbinian Nießner (Calligraphy),
Felix Finger (Photography),
Bertram Kaiser (Typedesign),
Szymon Kaliski (Data-driven interfaces),
Andriana Nassou (Innovation Design),
Arthur Carabott (Music Technology),
Jonathan Edelman, Peter Childs, The Stone Twins, Prof. Stefan Bufler, Catelijne van Middelkoop, Prof. Hans Heitmann, Florian Jaenicke, Karina Smigla‐Bobinski